Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blog Tour Schedule

February 2013 - Confirmed Dates

February 4
The Book Connection (guest post)
click link to read the posted guest post

February 5
The Character Connection (guest post)
click link to read the posted guest post

February 6
The Plot Thickens (guest post)
click link to read the posted guest post

February 7
City Girl Who Loves to Read (guest post)
click link to read the posted guest post

February 8
Culture Shock (guest post)
click link to read the posted guest post

February 11
The Story of a Writer (guest post)
click link to read the posted guest post

February 12
The Maiden's Court (guest post)
click link to read the posted guest post

February 13
Tribute Books Reviews & Giveaways (interview)
click link to read the posted interview

February 20
Novel d'Tales (interview)
click link to read the posted interview

February 21
Every Free Chance Book Reviews (interview)
click link to read the posted interview

February 26
The Bibliophilic Book Blog (interview)
click link to read the posted interview

February 28
Ascroft, eh? (interview)
click link to read the posted interview

Video Book Trailer


This is a crisply and elegantly written short book, with memorable characters, that takes on big personal and historical themes. Set in the early 1960s in a still-exhausted post-war Britain, it tells the story of a troubled English family whose lives are altered by the arrival of a German au pair. The stoic solidity of the mother, the breezy, handsome charm of the father and the precocious curiosity of the girls are no match for this interloper and the history she represents.
–The Washington Post

In her luminous novel, COLOGNE, Sarah Pleydell explores the ways in which a young girl’s private sorrows and redemptions mirror the great historical forces of war and its aftermath. Coming of age just after World War II, ­Caroline Whitakker’s family fragments, betrayals threaten to overwhelm her, and her very life depends on the courage she can summon in the ruins of her innocence. COLOGNE is subtle, evocative, and deeply moving, a book that has changed me as only the finest literature can, and must.